Increasing income from non-budgetary sources due to the development of new high-tech markets including as part of import substitution. To achieve the goals the management of the enterprise has identified a number of priority tasks which are based on the automation of the Project Office and improving the efficiency of project management . Features of project management in the enterprise. Portfolio Characteristics The company conducted a large number of projects of various types organizational IT projects projects for the implementation of research and development work. But they were managed manually.
The level of competencies of the company's specialists differed greatly the heads of departments had extensive experience in project management while the heads of individual projects did not cell phone number list possess such competencies. There was no up- to-date and reliable information on projects ineffective communications were conducted which made it difficult to form consolidated reports. Design solution BEFORE ADVANTA implementation At the weekly meetings of top management project managers could not accurately identify the causes of problems that arose at different stages.
Plans and schedules of key projects were kept in separate tools MS Project Excel 1C. Prerequisites for changing the project management methodology Constant delays in deadlines and dissatisfaction from customers. It is not possible to maintain the constant relevance of project statuses. There is no project culture within the company the arguments for the need for changes in setting business development goals have not been worked out. There is no systematic work to collect and standardize accumulated experience in project management.